Fifteen Month - Dearborn Pediatrics
Dearborn Pediatrics


We will be offering protection against RSV for infants as well as the only approved COVID vaccine by the end of this month.The flu vaccine is available now as well.Dearborn Pediatrics.

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Fifteen Month Visit

Milestones Matter
How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about his or her development. Check the milestones your child has reached by age 15 months.

Toddlers at this age are learning to express themselves to get what they want. New verbal skills allow you little one to point to an object and say a word—and, in turn, you respond.

This newfound ability can lead to tantrums though when a child does not get his or her way. While frustrating, tantrums are a normal part of toddler development. Help avoid angry outbursts by distracting your little one with an interesting toy or game and keep your cool when they do happen. Pediatricians use certain milestones to tell if a toddler is developing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, so some children gain skills earlier or later than others. Toddlers who were born prematurely reach milestones later.

What Most Children Do By This Age

Socal / Emotional

  • Begins to show preference for certain activities and will resist napping if engaged in a desired activity.
  • Uses transitional objects (such as blanket or stuffed animal) to self-comfort
  • Has strong dislikes such as fear of loud noises or bath time
  • Shows affection to caregivers with hugs and kisses

Language / Communication

  • Indicates what he or she wants by pulling, pointing, or grunting
  • Brings objects to you, such as a book to read
  • Says 3-5 words (in addition to “mama” and “dada”) and uses them correctly
  • Can point to a body part when asked (“Where’s your nose?”)


Learning, Thinking, Problem-solving

  • Understands and follows simple commands
  • Imitates activities such as sweeping a floor
  • Begins to engage in problem-solving activities like simple puzzle

Movement / Physical Developement

  • Takes steps without support
  • Squats to pick something up
  • Begins to accept liquids from a spouted or open cup
  • Stacks three blocks
  • Scribbles with crayon on paper