Dosing Information - Dearborn Pediatrics - Pediatric Medicine
Dearborn Pediatrics


We will be offering protection against RSV for infants as well as the only approved COVID vaccine by the end of this month.The flu vaccine is available now as well.Dearborn Pediatrics.

Dosing Information

Dosing Information

The staff at Dearborn Pediatrics is pleased to provide this resource page of dosing information for the over-the-counter medications below. But if your child is under the age of 3 months and is running a fever, please consider this an emergency and be seen by a physician as soon as possible. And if you ever have questions about what medications to provide your child, please contact us so we can help. Your child’s care and providing guidance to help keep them healthy is always our top priority!

Infants' & Children's Tylenol

Infants’ & Children’s Tylenol

Dosing Information
Infants' & Children's Motrin

Infants’ & Children’s Motrin

Dosing Information
Children's Benadryl

Children’s Benadryl

Dosing Information