Breastfeeding - Dearborn Pediatrics - Newborn Resources
Dearborn Pediatrics


We will be offering protection against RSV for infants as well as the only approved COVID vaccine by the end of this month.The flu vaccine is available now as well.Dearborn Pediatrics.



Where we stand

Our team at Dearborn Pediatrics along with the American Academy of Pediatrics believe that breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for babies. We recommend exclusively breastfeeding (if possible) during the first six months of life and then gradually introducing solid foods while continuing to nurse. These recommendations may change depending upon the needs of the child and the ability of mom to produce milk.

Breastfeeding can be challenging and we want our families to feel supported in all their feeding decisions. We also recognize that not all mother/infant pairs will have success with breastfeeding. The right choice is the one that works for you.

Nursing should begin as soon as possible after birth, usually within the first hour of life. Newborns should be nursed whenever they show signs of hunger-this may be as often as every 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours. Please do not be concerned about putting your baby on a schedule-he/she will dictate a schedule for you.

Why Breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is excellent for your baby because:
Human milk was designed specifically for your baby and provides all the nutrients needed for your child to grow and be healthy.  It has many substances not found in formula that protect your child from infections.  Breastfed babies are less likely to have both ear and respiratory infections.
Breastfeeding helps to create the special bond between mother and baby due to the warmth and closeness involved in the process.
Breastfeeding is good for mom because:
It releases hormones into your body that promote mothering behavior.
It reduces the risk of both ovarian and breast cancer.
Breastfeeding burns calories which may help you lose some of the weight gained during pregnancy.